School children visit Umicore as part of their science classes
On 11 May 2023, 29 school children from Primary School N° 1 and their teachers visited Umicore in Nysa as part of the educational programme ‘Batteries charge our daily life’ that they have been following since last autumn. During this first ever school visit at Umicore in Nysa, the children were able to see for themselves what cathode materials look like and feel how exciting technology can be during and after studies. And it was fun for everyone!
Ready for the visit!
First things first: welcome to all students at Umicore Nysa! Everyone is ready for this exciting event. All students arrived together by bus at the plant. We could feel the excitement to visit Umicore and apply the insights gained during the school year. Our Operations Manager in Nysa taught the students more about the history of batteries as well as cathode materials and how those materials contribute to battery performance.
Battery lab
Before entering the plant, our EHS Manager gave important instructions on safety. In the lab everyone received their lab coat and protective glasses. The students could now see in practice what they had learned over the past few months. Our lab technicians prepared some special experiments in our high-tech lab and the students were able to see how our cathode material is tested in a mini battery.
What do I want to be when I grow up?
The lab visit was followed by a session about the various jobs that you can find at Umicore and what studies you need to do to work in a lab, in production or in the offices. Very useful information for those who have to choose their main subject this year. Science is hot! And there was a lot to discuss at lunch at the company restaurant. Every Thursday is world food day at Umicore and it was Italy’s turn. What more do you need than a tasty Italian pizza?
Plant tour
After lunch, it was time for a guided plant tour to show what a modern factory looks like from the outside. As part of the safety policy at Umicore, all visitors had to wear an orange vest for clear visibility.
“We are happy to offer the additional science classes about batteries and electromobility in our school. The children realize in those classes that technology can be fascinating. The visit to Umicore helped them to see in practice what a production factory and a lab look like and what jobs they can do later if they choose to study science,” commented Bożena Węglarz, director of the Primary School N° 1 in Nysa.
“It was nice to see how the children enjoyed their visit here at our plant as part of the ‘Batteries power our daily life’ programme. In those science classes, they learned about sustainable technologies and how electromobility will contribute to a more sustainable world. During the visit they realized that the Umicore factory here in Nysa is playing a key role in the move to electric cars in Europe,” says Agata Czechowska, Communications Manager at Umicore.
About ‘Batteries charge our daily life’
In November 2022, Umicore launched the educational programme ‘Batteries charge our daily life’ together with the National Academy of Applied Sciences in Nysa. Created by a multidisciplinary team of professors and experts, the curriculum is designed for elementary school children to increase their knowledge about sustainable technologies. A plant tour of Umicore Nysa is included in the educational package. The package was tested at the Elementary School N° 1 in Nysa and may be extended to other schools in the future.